Fragile Things

I find the title of this book oh so exquisitely ironical. Fragile things … Mr. Neil Gaiman, it is my personal belief, has a talent for the truly horrific that should be illegal. Really. I first came to this particular conclusion when I read his Coraline a while back. And no, I wasn’t a child. […]

The Visitant

It has been so long since the last time I smelled these pages! Metaphorically speaking, of course; please, don’t panic.) Life (and, more often, my own mind; alas!) get in the way. It’s not as though I’ve stopped reading, no. I promise you I’ve put in as many “prone hours” with my nose in some […]

Of Byomkesh Bakshi and other mysteries

I wonder how many of you remember the days of DoorDarshan (that’s National television in India and what some of us fondly refer to as pre-cable days). Ah, now those were the days! When television was basically about a few (read, 3) good shows and endless hours of News delivered in that beautiful newsreader monotone […]