Ooooo…and we’re Lovely too! ;)

This is the problem with breaks! You take an unscheduled break and you come back not knowing what’s what. 😐 It had been a long break from the blog for us  and we were still struggling to pick up all the threads spread across the acres. So we thought what better way to kick start the momentum and set the mood than by thanking the Obscured Dreamer for this lovely award. 🙂  However, much like misguided and much-worked missiles we veered off course and (obviously) very soon ran aground (karma acts super quickly at the most unappreciated times :-/) However, here we are. And we promise to very diligently write our thank you notes to all you awesome people who’ve thought us worthy of so much love and appreciation! 😀 So thank you very, very much, especially the Obscured Dreamer. We love that you guys like easyondeyes so much! 😀

And while this merry-go-round of love and admiration fills us all to the brim with giddy delight we consider this a very good time to tell you that if you placed your faith in how fascinating we are as people, it is now going to be shattered. 😦 We’re probably the dullest people in the  world and have (already!) run out of 7 things you didn’t know about us-things.

However! Never fear when we are near! 😛 In order to fulfill our obligations to the Things To Be Done To The World as decided upon by the ‘Guild of the Mads (yes, Mads) of the World’  we are going to introduce a pinch right here. So here’s what we want all our lovely readers to know about us:

We prefer to believe the earth is flat as a pizza, thank you very much, with its edges being much like those of an infinity pool, except for the crusty , of course. And if you were to peer over this edge you’d see what appears to be a sheet of translucent, sweet-smelling water that you will, we assure you, want a drink from. However, if you were to do that you’d probably tip right over (Aha! it’s a trick, see). And while you’d be flailing and grasping for something to hold on to in order to regain your tenuous grip on reality, what you will see, in the underbelly of the flat-as-a-pizza earth will surely make you miss that one single straw that will quietly float past. 😛

And here’s what we want to ask you: 

If you had to believe one fantastic thing about our dear mother earth what would it be? 

And here’s the catch, those of you lucky people we pass this award on to must answer the question. (Pretty please! It counts for our nomination to the Mads of the Mulitiverse, also known as MO(t)Ms.)

And the 15 (lucky) blogs that we nominate are

Adele Konyndyk
Becoming Madame
Blessed with a star on the Forehead
Coco J Ginger Says
Elle’s Photographic Adventures
To the Balcony
Kinna Reads
Just a normal girl in London
On the Homefront
The Big Book of Dating
The Bookshelf of Emily J
The Reading & Life of a Bookworm

The Tiger’s Eye
The Midwest Maven

Rules of the Award
1. Thank the person for your nomination with a link to their blog.
2.  Tell them 7 things about yourself (or 1 crazy thing about yourself)
3. Nominate 15 blogs for the award (and make them answer one crazy question). 😀

Congratulations! And Thank You! 😀

18 thoughts on “Ooooo…and we’re Lovely too! ;)

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